Originally written in 2014, rewritten in 2017

Who am woman?

I am iron woman.
The wing chun iron fist woman,
gym rat pumping metal momma.
The 3 AM nursing momma,
a strong breasted,
Statue of Liberty,
milk pumping
through teats of steel.
Iron willed, and unwilling to give up, get up when knocked down,
up at 6 AM with no sleep momma
(I get all that from my momma).

I am woman, willing to try harder, go faster, fly higher than you.
So watch out!
Because I have big dreams.
My sky is as far as I can reach,
and you aren’t tall enough
to touch the stars in my world.

Who am I?
I am a giantess riding on the shoulders of suffragettes
and a few SCOTUS cases,
asking myself:
Will I suffer to carry others,
on my tired shoulders?

I am woman, who says:
My rights are your rights,
I am she you are he, one is ze, you are me.
Who am I to you?
I’m that nasty woman.

Who still asks who am woman?
Who am woman,
I am the woman asking:
Will you lift up my child
when she tries to touch the sky?

Categories: Poetry